Meet your new friends from Denmark!
Every Saturday Crown Heights keeps busy with their
very own Flea Market on Franklin Avenue & the corner
of Sterling Place. Go Bristens Eatery!
You can catch the 2,3,4 C or S to Franklin Ave.
So come explore the amazing Crown Heights...
About Time Boutique is filled with
Tourists who come to visit the
Bklyn Museum.
We want people to know "we mean business" and LOVE Crown Heights!
Thank you Daily News! About Time Boutique.
Meet Mike, Proud father and owner of Park Delicatessen
Skateshop. His Skate Jam 09' was a hit yesterday!
Go ladies Go! The Girls rOcKeD at Skate Jam!
Meet the Skaters...
The big Skaters came out to teach a few lessons!
Who let these guys out again? SkateShop,
Ing & About Time Boutique in the building!
Yes, the kids skated to the hottest
tracks by the hottest DJ's.
Meet some of the member's of
About Time Boutique Skaters.
Welcome to my neighborhood... Crown Heights!
What a place to visit and what a great weekend!