736A Franklin Avenue (Between Park & Sterling)
Brooklyn, NY 11238

Telephone: 1.347.789.5513

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Crown Heights Ladies Tee @ About Time Boutique

Last year the Crown Heights tee shirts were one of Brooklyn's best kept secrets! The neighborhood has become the next "hot spot" in Brooklyn & the tourists love this place we call Crown Heights. We realized the disappointment in so many of the ladies eyes when we informed them that the shirts were men sizes only. So, by popular demand the Crown Heights ladies tees are in About Time Boutique! Show us how you rock your Crown Heights Tee & send a pic!

PS: Don't forget our Annual Kids Day Event: July 24th 2010

About Time Boutique, 733 Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238
Hours of operation: 12-8pm Mon-Sat, 12-6pm Sun


  1. cool!!!
    Please make the mans

    dj shark

  2. I'm definitely coming in to get myself one! About Time all day every day!!


  3. Great, a new business. Good luck!

  4. DJ Shark.... we're already on it! Check our the male Crown Heights on the new blog post and the store has more!
